Over the past 35 years, MG OMD has grown into an agency that can offer our clients unprecedented insight, specialism, security, and transparency. Constant throughout that period has been our focus on innovation and effectiveness – creating difference that matters for our clients.
We are focused on using media to unlock our clients’ competitive advantage, delivering innovative, effective, and award-winning work and campaigns that create difference that matters.
MG OMD is the most awarded media agency in both the history of the IPA Effectiveness Awards. We also currently hold all four of the ‘Best’ accolades; having been named Campaign’s Media Agency of the Year, Campaign’s Global Media Agency of the Year, The Media Leader’s Agency of the Year and Media Week’s Agency of the Year.
We’re extremely proud of our thriving culture; MG OMD placed in the Sunday Times’ Best Places to Work for the second consecutive year, our leadership leading and driving the industry and award-winning young talent.
Part of a powerful family

We are part of both the OMD and Omnicom Media Group (OMG) Network. OMD is the world’s largest media network with more than 12,000 people working in over 100 countries. We’re much more than a media agency. We have a wide range of specialist services that deliver more effective business outcomes for our clients. This powerful family gives us world-class purchasing power to meet the tough buying demands of the world’s biggest advertisers.

Our History
Founded in an era dominated by the big buying shops, Nick Manning and Colin Gottlieb had a shared, clear ambition. They wanted to create a business where media would make a significant difference to their clients. So they wrote a ‘manifesto’ for the business, including the following words written 35 years ago, still relevant now:
“Given an ever-increasing choice, today’s media literate generation is developing a butterfly mentality in their media use…viewers, listeners..are swiftly moving targets and, as media specialists, we have to adopt an equally light-footed approach to media choice and tactics.
MGM had been created to put imagination back into media.
MGM was created to deliver what advertisers really need – imaginative media solutions allied to sharp negotiation. In other words, media that sells.”
In 1997, MGM became part of the Omnicom Group and in May 2002 MGM became Manning Gottlieb OMD, orbiting within one of the biggest marketing communications groups in the world.
The founding principles that Nick and Colin stood by all those years ago have remained at the heart of the agency and today Manning Gottlieb OMD is the largest agency within Omnicom Media Group, and the third largest in the UK with a headcount of 500+.