Jack Willers, Client Executive
My WFH diary is probably as exciting as the rest of MG at the moment. My day typically starts with a walk with my dog through the nearby woods before some breakfast. And after nearly a year of trying, I am still yet to perfect the Bankside omelette.
Then my working day starts! I am fortunate to have some space in my parent’s spare bedroom-turned-office which I share with my dad who luckily only needs it in the evening. After being furloughed during the Summer, I have been lucky enough to be called back to help on the John Lewis client team which has been a great experience for me, with a huge variety of work and working with a great team.
I work until 5:30 ish before helping my parents with cooking dinner which has been a struggle for all involved during veggie-anuary (actual veganuary would be way too difficult). This is then nicely bookended with another dog walk.
The highlight of my week tends to be on the days I let some fresh air in to my tortoise. Not an eventful task but it’s nice to see him. He is currently hibernating in a fridge from October until March and is a right little rascal when he is out, as I believe he is looking for a mate.
If there are any female tortoise owners at MG please hit me up.
Thank you for reading!