1. Try to get into new habits! For example, just doing 5 mins (1 min at a time!) skipping before work – gets the heart going and sets you up for the day!
2. We can’t all be natural early-birds, but getting up that bit earlier to make time to go for a walk or a run can make all the difference. Or, even just to have a relaxed coffee and breakfast before the day starts.
3. Try putting on some of your favourite tunes and having a little dance! (side-note: this may garner some strange looks from the neighbours!)
4. Speak to a friend – even if it’s a quick facetime. It’s always nice to see a friendly face!
5. Treat yourself! Making yourself a meal you love or having a little pamper session is a great way to wind down the day.
6. Getting out of the house for some fresh air and a screen break – whether it’s a walk, grabbing a coffee, or a wander around the shops.
7. Make time for your hobbies. Finding a 15-20 minute slot in your day to enjoy things such as playing the guitar can make a real change to your day.
8. A ‘no work’ tea break chat can help maintain the team bond, and ‘water cooler’ chat is a nice way to break the day up.
9. Decluttering your work-space can make such a difference to your working day.
10. Make some time for life admin – no achievement is too big or small Accomplishing something outside of work during the week can help make a real difference to your routine, and your mood.